Do you want visit or talk with us?

- Position:
- No request is too great and no detail too small. We should love to assist you before your Sant'Egle holiday begins. Here you can find all the ways to contact us. Please respect our work schedule. Thanks.
- Address
- c.s. Sant'Egle, 18
- Sorano
- (Grosseto)
- Italia
- Phone
- Dalle 9 alle 19 - SMS, WhatsUp, chiama Alessandro +39 348. 8884810
- Mobile
- From 9am to 7pm - Text Message, WhatsUp, call Erika +39 329. 4250285
Contact Form
Payment Details
- Payment Details
Bank transfer (please send copy by mail, SMS or WhatsUP):
IBAN IT 88 Z 01030 72400 000000507362
Codice BIC PASCITM1G70Account PayPall
Posta elettronica certificata AGRITURISMOSANTEGLE@PEC.IT