Take off your shoes and walk in an infinite place where you can open all your senses in harmony with nature.
The sensory path of Barefooting in the Giardino dei Semplici of Sant'Egle has its entrance from the pond of biodiversity.
Take off your shoes, and walk on the wooden bridge suspended among aquatic plants, frogs, dragonflies and butterflies.
Discover with your bare feet all the different materials that you will encounter in the Semplici sensory garden.
Lose yourself in the shape of infinity and lie down to contemplate the clouds passing in the sky.
Enjoy the scents, the sounds of the animals, the sounds of the wind and the feel of the sun on your skin.
Let yourself be surprised by the medicinal, aromatic and even poisonous plants you will encounter.
OPEN all your SENSES and enjoy this experience at any time of the day.