Sink into a welcoming space shaped as perfectly as an egg.

Immerse yourself in warm liquid as soft as silk, which will allow you to experience true weightlessness.

Free your mind, discover new resources, and let yourself go. Sink gradually into the Alpha waves (a state of relaxation), Theta waves (for a state of profound REM, hypnosis and meditation) and Delta waves (which are usually accessible after many hours of meditative experience).

Unplug from your body and float in regenerative wellbeing, where you will find the sense of calm and harmony that you’ve been seeking.




Experience intense relaxation, inspired by the perfect environment of the uterus, reducing stress hormones (cortisol) and releasing endorphins which are beneficial to the brain.

Floating is a sensory deprivation experience which gives users a sense of pure psycho-physical wellbeing thanks to its instinctive relaxation.

In Sant’Egle’s welcoming spa, perfumed by our organic essential oils, you’ll find a large white egg waiting for you at the centre of the room.

Take a shower and scrub your body with our vegetal Loofah sponge and our organic Sant’Egle shower gel. Wash your hair with our organic shampoo, made with extra-virgin olive oil, and watch as 600 litres of Epsom saltwater (magnesium salts) pours from a 25cm height, heated to your body temperature.

Immerse yourself with no swimming costume, so that your body can be in direct contact with the water; gradually, all your sensory stimuli (visual, audio, tactile, and kinaesthetic) will be disactivated.


Your mind will be liberated from the thoughts it is constantly exposed to.

Your brain will have no more worries or preoccupations.

Listen to your breath, and enjoy the chromotherapy and the darkness.

Listen either to silence or to the meditative music you’ve selected.

You are now entering into a state of sensory deprivation; here, you’ll discover the immediate benefits available even beneath your own skin.





During the fifties, Dr John Lilly invented this therapy. He understood that the brain uses almost 85% of its capacity to process external stimuli such as gravity, temperature, touch, light, and sound.

Inspired by this, he invented the first sensory deprivation tank where floating eliminates sensory stimuli, and the brain alters its bioelectrical activity. Whilst maintaining a state of consciousness, the mind is able to expand to its true potential, where instinct prevails over logic and rationality. His patients experienced great psycho-physical benefits.



Epsom salts, also known as bitter salt, is dissolved into the water of the tank, and allows the user to float weightlessly.

They are composed of 98% magnesium sulphate.

Epsom salt is a natural softener for skin, and is beneficial in healing wounds and irritation, encouraging the reabsorption of oedema.

It has been proven that magnesium and sulphates are best absorbed through the skin, rather than the digestive tract.

Magnesium regulates the activity of more than 300 enzymes, alleviates tension and increases concentration, maintaining the correct function of oxygen in the cells. It also prevents the hardening of arteries (i.e. the accumulation of cholesterol) and aids in the transmission of nervous impulses, interacting with muscular and nervous tissue. Magnesium helps to maintain a physical and mental equilibrium, preventing muscular cramps and hypertension, and has a beneficial effect on the coagulation of the blood. It supports the immune system, prevents the harmful effects of toxic metals, aids in the insulin control process, prevents osteoporosis and migraines. Magnesium also alleviates premenstrual symptoms and menstrual cramps.


The salt provides the body with sulphates, which are useful for eliminating toxins from the skin, encouraging the formation of proteins and facilitating the absorption of nutrients into cells. It also helps to detoxify the body, offering aesthetic benefits (healthy hair, hydrated and elasticised skin, and strengthened nails) and reinforcing the immune system (protection of the eyes and cells, detoxifying the body). Epsom salts are useful also in regulating other functions, such as the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the regeneration of cell nuclei, the respiration of cells, energetic processes, etc.

The salt provides the body with sulphates, which are useful for eliminating toxins from the skin, encouraging the formation of proteins and facilitating the absorption of nutrients into cells. It also helps to detoxify the body, offering aesthetic benefits (healthy hair, hydrated and elasticised skin, and strengthened nails) and reinforcing the immune system (protection of the eyes and cells, detoxifying the body). Epsom salts are useful also in regulating other functions, such as the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the regeneration of cell nuclei, the respiration of cells, energetic processes, etc.


Benefits for the body

Alleviates muscle and join pain, extends and relaxes the spinal cord, reinforces immune defences and aids the endocrine system, hydrates and softens skin, and leaves hair silky and voluminous.

Benefits for the mind

Lowers stress levels and subsequent cortisol and adrenaline production, which overloads the adrenal glands and lessens the protection of the immune system, leading our bodies to fall sick more easily. Epsom salt helps to resolve organic and psychosomatic symptoms, as well as behavioural and psychological behaviours.

It also helps to lift you from a state of burnout, preventing you from grinding your teeth and improving the quality of your sleep, reducing insomnia. It improves your concentration, creativity, capacity to learn, and cognitive ability, and aids you in achieving a deep meditative state. It gives you vital energy and helps you to abandon any addictions.

Essential for athletes

Increases athletic ability by providing energy, resistance, strength, and quick recovery. But most importantly, Epsom salt can allow athletes to visualise the end goal of a race or competition, i.e. to visualise winning. Post-training, the salt relaxes muscular contractions, drains lactic acid and metabolic waste, and improves the tone and oxygenation of muscles. Epsom salt is recommended in treating muscle and joint pain, extending and relaxing the spinal cord, and increasing blood circulation, accelerating healing in muscle strains.

Water rich in Epsom salts guarantees a transdermic absorption of Magnesium which is fundamental prior to a match or race. It activates the response of the Parasympathetic system (endocrine, immune, metabolic).

Floating efficiency in numbers

The efficiency of floating in combatting depression is 70% as effective as therapy or counselling, 53% as effective as relaxation techniques, and 15% as effective as medical therapy.

Patients have also reported numerous other benefits from floating, including: improved sleep (65%), better concentration levels (77%), more psycho-physical energy (46%), improved interpersonal relationships (54%), greater capacity at work (35%), increased pain threshold (88%), better stress management (92%) and an improvement in their general wellbeing (65%). *

*Excerpt from Flotation REST in Applied Psychophysiology Find out more from these scientific publications by clicking here and here.



✅ Not wear a swimming suit

✅ Wear a swimming hat if your hair is dyed, even using natural products

✅ Wash and take off all makeup before entering the tank. Following the experience, a quick shower is sufficient, with no soap.

✅ Remove any contact lenses.



You are able to leave the tank and the room at any moment – there are no locks which prevent you from doing so.

If you are claustrophobic, do not close the top part of the tank; the room is 3m tall.

You skin and hair will not dry out, but will become silky, soft, and voluminous.

You may fall asleep; the saltwater will keep your body lifted, and your face will stay dry.

The water is 25cm deep. If any saltwater gets into your eyes, get out of the tank, take a shower, and then get back in

The tank is made from sanitised, antibacterial acrylic, and is disinfected between sessions using an H2O2 spray (hydrogen peroxide) in compliance with Ministerial COVID-19 regulations, The tank is then dried with a cloth covered in silver wire.

The water in the tank is sterile in that there are no pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses or fungi which can resist 30% salinity. The Dead Sea is testament to this: with only 22% salinity, it harbours no life forms. The water also follows a cleaning protocol thanks to a glass-sand pre-filter, a super-fine acrylic post-filter, a UV steriliser, and an electronically controlled H2O2 (active oxygen) dispenser as well as an active carbon pass.

The room in which the tank is positioned is disinfected, like the rest of our agriturismo, using an Ozone machine which kills all E.M. (Efficient Microorganism) virus forms.




  • ❌  Smoke, drink coffee or alcohol, or take any drugs or antidepressants.
  • ❌  Wax or shave before entering the tank.
  • ❌  Have a blocked nose or heavy cold.
  • ❌  Urinate or defecate.
  • ❌  Use the tank if you have your menstrual cycle (even if using a tampon).
  • ❌  Use the tank if you have dreadlocks.

❌ Epilepsy or compulsive fits.

  • ❌  Users of psychiatric medication.
  • ❌  Heart conditions or pacemakers.
  • ❌  Thrombosis.
  • ❌  Acute cystitis, yeast infections or thrush.
  • ❌  Open wounds
  • ❌  Pregnant (we would prefer to see authorisation from your doctor or gynaecologist)



What rules do I need to follow?

By clicking here, you can download the rules and regulations we’ll need you to sign before you begin your floating session.

What should I bring with me?

We will provide you with everything. In your welcome kit, you will find:

  • Dressing gown and towel.
  • Disinfected slippers.
  • Earplugs.
  • Head cushion for added comfort when floating.
  • Organic shampoo and shower gel.
  • A scrubbing sponge.
  • Hairdryer.
  • Teas and infusions.

How early should I arrive?

The session lasts one hour. Come and check in at our reception 10 minutes before your appointment.

If I’m not a guest at the agriturismo, can I stay after the treatment?

If you are not a guest at our agriturismo, then we are sorry to inform you that you cannot use the communal spaces or services following your treatment, or use the bio pool. This is out of respect for the privacy of our guests. Instead, feel free to relax in our dedicated garden area, where you can sip your tea at peace.

You’re well-known for your commitment to sustainability. How can a spa be sustainable?

Sant’Egle’s floating centre is a sustainable spa with no environmental impact because no water is wasted. In fact, all our water is recycled, thanks to our filtration system, which disinfects and purifies the water before each session. Each usage boasts a consumption of 0.0004kw/hour and works at a low voltage. The energy used to carry out this process is generated using our solar panels.


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